In its ‘Unrating Vienna’ campaign, the Vienna Tourist Board had the mania for online ratings firmly in its sights, encouraging guests to discover the city on their own terms and create their own experiences. The campaign ran in Hamburg and London in June before moving on to Paris, Barcelona and Madrid in October. Tailored to the different countries, the campaign posters showed images of enjoyable holiday moments plastered with negative and controversial ratings. While the names of the original contributors were changed to protect their identity, the ratings and comments were real. Examples included a romantic boat trip on the Alte Donau which was dismissed as ‘boring’, a crispy Wiener Schnitzel that was slated due to a ‘lack of sauce’ to go with it and the one-of-a-kind views of Schönbrunn Palace getting a thumbs down due to the ‘state of the lawns’. Deliberately provocative, the question ‘And who decides what you like?’ was included to encourage people to think for themselves, accompanied by ‘Discover your own Vienna’ as a call to action.
In cooperation with the MuseumsQuartier and the Leopold Museum, giant versions of the most critical and absurd ratings posters were projected on the exterior of the museum from June 6-8. The Vienna Tourist Board also invited influencers from the countries the campaign ran in to come to Vienna, encouraging them to get a feel for the city without relying on other people’s ratings. For the duration of the campaign, a random generator at the tourist information center on Albertinaplatz came up with suggestions for typically Viennese encounters far from the top 10 lists. The #UnratingVienna hashtag on Facebook and Instagram, which was also promoted in ad placements on TripAdvisor and addressable TV sparked international discussion that was picked up by numerous media. 91 reports in 18 countries covered the campaign, giving it a potential reach of 418 million contacts.